letter of intent
letter of intent

full proposal
letter of intent

peer review
letter of intent

Bonus for publications

Entitlement to bonus

a) regular case
A bonus will be paid if the following conditions are met:
-the first or the last author is SHCS footnote member,
-the project number is mentioned in the article
-‘…, and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study’  is added among the authors.

b) exception
If neither the first nor the last author is a SHCS footnote member, the bonus can be paid provided that
-it was a regular SHCS project
-the project number is mentioned in the article
-‘…, and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study’  is added among the authors.

This exception is not valid for large international collaborations.

c) special cases
In special cases, the Executive Board (EB) decides on the attribution of a bonus.


Calculation of the bonus

a) peer reviewed articles CHF 1‘500.-  +  IF* x CHF 500.-,
max. CHF  10‘000.-
b) peer reviewed articles without IF CHF 1‘500.-

The bonus is calculated with the IF of the year in which the article is published.
* IF  =  impact factor


Payment of the bonus
The bonus will be paid to the responsible investigator of the SHCS project who will distribute it, if required, among first and last author. In case of controversy, the EB has to decide.

Bonus payments take place twice a year.

Bonus payments are dependent on the financial situation of the SHCS and are approved every year at the full assembly.