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publication detail

titleTrends in mortality in people with HIV from 1999 to 2020: a multi-cohort collaboration.
journalClin. Infect. Dis.
ISBN1537-6591 (Electronic) - 1058-4838 (Linking)
authorsTusch E
Ryom L
Pelchen-Matthews A
Mocroft A
Elbirt D
Oprea C
Gunthard HF
Staehelin C
Zangerle R
Suarez I
Vehreschild JJ
Wit F
Menozzi M
d'Arminio Monforte A
Spagnuolo V
Pradier C
Carlander C
Suanzes P
Wasmuth JC
Carr A
Petoumenos K
Borgans F
Bonnet F
De Wit S
El-Sadr W
Neesgaard B
Jaschinski N
Greenberg L
Hosein SR
Gallant J
Vannappagari V
Young L
Sabin C
Lundgren J
Peters L
Reekie J
and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study