2. CDC category A events

2.1 Primary HIV infection
2.2 Asymptomatic HIV infection (no opportunist disease up to a given date)
2.3 Persistent generalised lymphadenopathy


At the moment of registration, at least one diagnosis must be coded.

For the condition "no opportunistic disease so far" the data centre introduces the most appropriate date (usually the date of registration).


2.1 Primary HIV infection (database code PRI)

Exposure to HIV within the last three months

AND clinical documentation or history of signs
and/or symptoms suggestive of acute retroviral syndrome (such as acute febrile mononucleosis like syndrome with lymphadenopathy or rash or pharyngitis or aphthous ulceration or meningo encephalitis or myalgia or hepatitis)
a documented negative HIV antibody test within the last six months AND detectable HIV-RNA in serum or plasma.


Exposure to HIV within the last three months

detectable p24 Antigen or HIV-RNA
AND a negative or borderline HIV antibody test converting to reactive

Definition revised 14.6.02 and reformulated 9.2.2011

2.2 Asymptomatic HIV infection (no opportunist disease up to a given date) (database code ASY)

Positive HIV antibody test (ELISA), confirmed by Western blot in a second blood sample, WITHOUT persistent generalized lymphadenopathy or signs/symptoms of CDC category B or C events.


2.3 Persistent generalised lymphadenopathy (database code LYM)

Lymph nodes of >1cm diameter in at least two extrainguinal sites persisting for >3 months.

Definition revised 31.7.00