travel expenses
The SHCS reimburses the train tickets to the different SB, CLC, FA or MoCHiV meetings for 2nd class half-fare tickets.
When using also trams or busses, it is possible to take a city-ticket together with the train ticket.
We will not reimburse parking fees.
The maximal remuneration is CHF 75.-/day which corresponds to a 1-day travelpass 2nd class.
The SNF does not cover travel expenses without receipt anymore. In order that we can reimburse the travel costs, please collect the original tickets throughout the whole year, and send them after the last meeting of the year and not later than 30th November together with your bank account information to the following address:
University Hospital Zurich
Klinik für Infektionskrankheiten und Spitalhygiene
Swiss HIV Cohort Study
Marianne Amstad
Rämistrasse 100
8091 Zurich
Unfortunately, we cannot reimburse the owner of general abonnements (GA/AG) because of administrative restrictions at the University of Zurich.
For those who prefer to issue an invoice, please wait until we have checked the train tickets. We will then advise the correct invoice address along with the reference that needs to be mentioned on the invoice.