Code and data for finalized projects

For SHCS projects, we emphasize good research practice and want to ensure reproducibility of research results. For each finalized SHCS project, researchers are asked to send the following file package and information to the SHCS data centre:

Quantitative research projects

  1. All source code to reproduce the results, e.g. do-files/R-Scripts. Ideally, the scripts contain comments for the reader to understand where the different results for the project are produced, e.g. by indicating the figure or table number of the corresponding results.
    Exception: the code is uploaded on an open source platform like Github. In this case, the link to the scripts is sufficient.

  2. All data needed to reproduce the results.
    Exception: data from the SHCS download, genetic data, GWAS

  3. A short text-file indicating the flow of the work, i.e. in which order the scripts need to be executed, explanations to the data files, as well as information, which SHCS download was used (month, year).
    Optional: All derived data frames, e.g. tables that could also be derived by running the scripts from 1) using the SHCS download data and additional files from 2).

Qualitative research projects

Additional questionnaires, interview questions