Organisation MoCHiV
The Swiss Mother and Child HIV Cohort Study (MoCHiV) is a section of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) providing a national registry for HIV-infected pregnant women and their children.
Evaluation of safety and tolerability of antiretroviral drugs administered during pregnancy and surveillance for short- and long-term adverse effects of intrauterine exposure to antiretroviral drugs in children are major objectives of this observational study, which also provides the data base for an international collaboration with other mother and child cohorts.
Other important aspects comprise the coordination and survey of diagnostic procedures, follow-up and therapeutic interventions in HIV-infected children.
A close nationwide interdisciplinary collaboration guarantees optimal and standardized antiretroviral treatment and vertical HIV transmission prophylaxis during pregnancy.
The MoCHiV data base provides a platform for research projects involving women in coordination with the adult Swiss HIV Cohort Study.