Allocation of the funds
The following rules will be applied for the allocation of the funds:
- 20% of the budget at the start of the project on receipt of the form administrative data
- 30% of the budget on receipt of a scientific intermediate report and of the expense proofs corresponding to 50%
- The remaining amount but not more than 50% of the approved budget on receipt of the required documents:
a) a financial report including original expense proofs b) a publication or a manuscript accepted for publication OR a pre-print published on a pre-print server; in absence of a publication, a detailed final scientific report must be sent. c) a list of the requested blood samples with mention of their quality and availability d) The researcher are asked to send the code and data to the SHCS data centre (further details)
If the allocated budget does not exceed CHF 10'000.-, 50% of the amount is paid on approval.