0. Abbreviations and SHCS codes
general abbreviations
ART | antiretroviral therapy |
cART | combined antiretroviral treatment |
CDC | Centres for Disease Control and Prevention |
FOPH | Federal Office of Public Health |
FI | fusion inhibitor |
HAART | highly active antiretrovial therapy |
ICD-10 codes | international classification of diseases |
II | integrase inhibitor |
MoCHiV | Swiss Mother and Child HIV Cohort Study |
NNRTI | non-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor |
NRTI | nucleoside analog reverse-transcriptase inhibitor |
NtRTI | nucleotide analog reverse-transcriptase inhibitor |
PBMC | peripheral blood mononuclear cells |
PI | protease inhibitor |
RTI | reverse transcriptase inhibitor |
SHCS codes for HIV-associated diseases
A = neither B, C or D B = HIV-associated disease C = AIDS-defining disease
D = AIDS-defining if diagnosis is confirmed
disease | SHCS code | CDC stadium | chapter |
Angiomatosis, bacillary | BAN | B | 3.4.3 |
Aspergillosis | ASP | B | 3.3.3 |
asymptomatic HIV infection, no opportunistic disease so far | ASY | A | 2.2 |
Bacterial pneumonia, recurrent | BPN | C | 4.4.8 |
Candidiasis of trachea, bronchi or lungs | CAN | C | 4.3.2 |
Candidiasis oral | STO | B | 3.3.1 |
Candidiasis vulvovaginal | CVV | B | 3.3.2 |
Candidiasis, oesophageal | ESO | C | 4.3.1 |
Carcinoma, cervical, invasive | ICC | C | 4.6.4 |
Cervical dysplasia | CDC | B | 3.6.1 |
Coccidioidomycosis, disseminated | CCM | C | 4.3.5 |
Cryptococcal meningitis | COM | C | 4.3.3 |
Cryptococcosis, other disseminated | COC | C | 4.3.4 |
Cryptosporidiosis, diarrhoe > 1 month | SPO | C | 4.2.5 |
Cytomegalovirus disease, other | CMV | C | 4.5.4 |
Cytomegalovirus retinitis | RET | C | 4.5.3 |
diarrhea | DIA | B | 3.1.8 |
Encephalopathy, HIV-related | DEM | C | 4.1.2 |
fever | FEV | B | 3.1.7 |
Herpes simplex disease, visceral | HSD | C | 4.5.2 |
Herpes simplex ulceration, chronic mucocutaneous | HSV | D | 4.5.1 |
Herpes zoster, multidermatomal or relapse | HZO | B | 3.5.1 |
Histoplasmosis, disseminated | HIS | C | 4.3.6 |
Hodgkin's disease | MHO | B | 3.6.2 |
Hypertension, primary, pulmonary | PPH | B | 3.1.4 |
Intracerebral lesions, indeterminate | ILE | C | 4.7 |
Isosporiasis, diarrhoe > 1 month | ISO | C | 4.2.6 |
Kaposi's sarcoma | KSA | C | 4.6.1 |
Leishmaniosis, visceral | LEI | B | 3.2.3 |
Leukencephalopathy, progressive, multifocal | PML | D | 4.5.5 |
Listeriosis | LIS | B | 3.4.4 |
Lymphadenopathy | LYM | A | 2.3 |
Lymphoma, primary, cerebral | LOB | D | 4.6.3 |
Microsporidiosis | MIC | B | 3.2.1 |
Mycobacterium, disseminated disease, other or indeterminated | MYC | C | 4.4.6a |
Mycobacterium, pulmonary disease, other | MYP | B | 4.4.6b |
Mycobacterium avium - intracellulare, disseminated | MAC old code MAK |
C | 4.4.3 4.4.4b |
Mycobacterium genavense disease | GEN | C | 4.4.5 |
Mycobacterium kansasii disease | KAN old code MAK |
C | 4.4.4a 4.4.4b |
Myelopathy, HIV-related | MYE | B | 3.1.2 |
Neuropathy, peripheral, HIV-related | PNP | B | 3.1.1 |
Nocardiosis | NOC | B | 3.4.2 |
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma | NHL | C | 4.6.2 |
oral hairy leukoplakia | OLP | B | 3.5.3 |
Pelvic inflammatory disease | PID | B | 3.4.1 |
Pneumocystis disease, extrapulmonary | EPD | C | 4.2.2 |
Pneumocystis pneumonia | PCP | C | 4.2.1 |
Pneumonia, lymphoid, interstitial | LIP | B | 3.1.5 |
Primary HIV infection | PRI | A | 2.1 |
Progressive outer retinal necrosis syndrome | POR | B | 3.5.2 |
Rhodococcus equi disease | ROD | B | 3.4.5 |
Salmonella septicemia, recurrent | SAL | C | 4.4.7 |
Strongyloidiasis extraintestin. | EIS | B | 3.2.4 |
Thrombocytopenia, HIV-related | ITP | B | 3.1.3 |
Toxoplasma retinitis | TOR | B | 3.2.2 |
Toxoplasmosis, cerebral | TOX | C | 4.2.3 |
Toxoplasmosis, disseminated | TOD | C | 4.2.4 |
Tuberculosis extrapulmonary | TEX | D | 4.4.2 |
Tuberculosis pulmonary | TBC | C | 4.4.1 |
Wasting syndrome, AIDS-defining | WAS | C | 4.1.1 |
weight loss | WLO | B | 3.1.6 |