0. Abbreviations and SHCS codes

general abbreviations

ART antiretroviral therapy
cART combined antiretroviral treatment
CDC Centres for Disease Control and Prevention
FOPH Federal Office of Public Health
FI fusion inhibitor
HAART highly active antiretrovial therapy
ICD-10 codes international classification of diseases
II integrase inhibitor
MoCHiV Swiss Mother and Child HIV Cohort Study
NNRTI non-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor
NRTI nucleoside analog reverse-transcriptase inhibitor
NtRTI nucleotide analog reverse-transcriptase inhibitor
PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear cells
PI protease inhibitor
RTI reverse transcriptase inhibitor

SHCS codes for HIV-associated diseases

A = neither B, C or D         B = HIV-associated disease         C = AIDS-defining disease

D = AIDS-defining if diagnosis is confirmed

disease SHCS code CDC stadium chapter
Angiomatosis, bacillary BAN B 3.4.3
Aspergillosis ASP B 3.3.3
asymptomatic HIV infection, no opportunistic disease so far ASY A 2.2
Bacterial pneumonia, recurrent BPN C 4.4.8
Candidiasis of trachea, bronchi or lungs CAN C 4.3.2
Candidiasis oral STO B 3.3.1
Candidiasis vulvovaginal CVV B 3.3.2
Candidiasis, oesophageal ESO C 4.3.1
Carcinoma, cervical, invasive ICC C 4.6.4
Cervical dysplasia CDC B 3.6.1
Coccidioidomycosis, disseminated CCM C 4.3.5
Cryptococcal meningitis COM C 4.3.3
Cryptococcosis, other disseminated COC C 4.3.4
Cryptosporidiosis, diarrhoe > 1 month SPO C 4.2.5
Cytomegalovirus disease, other CMV C 4.5.4
Cytomegalovirus retinitis RET C 4.5.3
diarrhea DIA B 3.1.8
Encephalopathy, HIV-related DEM C 4.1.2
fever FEV B 3.1.7
Herpes simplex disease, visceral HSD C 4.5.2
Herpes simplex ulceration, chronic mucocutaneous HSV D 4.5.1
Herpes zoster, multidermatomal or relapse HZO B 3.5.1
Histoplasmosis, disseminated HIS C 4.3.6
Hodgkin's disease MHO B 3.6.2
Hypertension, primary, pulmonary PPH B 3.1.4
Intracerebral lesions, indeterminate ILE C 4.7
Isosporiasis, diarrhoe > 1 month ISO C 4.2.6
Kaposi's sarcoma KSA C 4.6.1
Leishmaniosis, visceral LEI B 3.2.3
Leukencephalopathy, progressive, multifocal PML D 4.5.5
Listeriosis LIS B 3.4.4
Lymphadenopathy LYM A 2.3
Lymphoma, primary, cerebral LOB D 4.6.3
Microsporidiosis MIC B 3.2.1
Mycobacterium, disseminated disease, other or indeterminated MYC C 4.4.6a
Mycobacterium, pulmonary disease, other MYP B 4.4.6b
Mycobacterium avium - intracellulare, disseminated MAC
old code MAK
C 4.4.3
Mycobacterium genavense disease GEN C 4.4.5
Mycobacterium kansasii disease KAN
old code MAK
C 4.4.4a
Myelopathy, HIV-related MYE B 3.1.2
Neuropathy, peripheral, HIV-related PNP B 3.1.1
Nocardiosis NOC B 3.4.2
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma NHL C 4.6.2
oral hairy leukoplakia OLP B 3.5.3
Pelvic inflammatory disease PID B 3.4.1
Pneumocystis disease, extrapulmonary EPD C 4.2.2
Pneumocystis pneumonia PCP C 4.2.1
Pneumonia, lymphoid, interstitial LIP B 3.1.5
Primary HIV infection PRI A 2.1
Progressive outer retinal necrosis syndrome POR B 3.5.2
Rhodococcus equi disease ROD B 3.4.5
Salmonella septicemia, recurrent SAL C 4.4.7
Strongyloidiasis extraintestin. EIS B 3.2.4
Thrombocytopenia, HIV-related ITP B 3.1.3
Toxoplasma retinitis TOR B 3.2.2
Toxoplasmosis, cerebral TOX C 4.2.3
Toxoplasmosis, disseminated TOD C 4.2.4
Tuberculosis extrapulmonary TEX D 4.4.2
Tuberculosis pulmonary TBC C 4.4.1
Wasting syndrome, AIDS-defining WAS C 4.1.1
weight loss WLO B 3.1.6